About Visual Artist Deepak Bhattacharjee -
At present his age is 80+ but I don't feel so.
- Pursued graduation under Lucknow University.
- Diploma in Textile Designing from Govt. College of Arts and Crafts under the tutelage of the then Principal Late Shri Sudhir Ranjan Khastagir.
Blessed inspired and influenced by Late Shri Asit Haldar.
- Did one-year research assignment on scholarship at Central Design Centre, Govt. of UP, Lucknow.
- Demands of livelihood took me away from my passion for art. I worked next 27 years in the domain of sales, serving an internally reputed company dealing in dyes and chemicals.
- Two years ago my legs and femur bones were severely injured in an unfortunate accident rendering me completely crippled.
- The depressing invalidity stoked up my smoldering passion for painting. Colors and canvas resurrected my faith to live with a purpose. Now I'm confined within four walls of my room but painting lends me the wings to overcome the physical captivity.